Barbara Corcoran – Inspiring Journey and Wisdom

Barbara Ann Corcoran’s remarkable life and business acumen have made her a household name in the world of entrepreneurship. From founding the “Corcoran Group” to becoming one of the iconic “Sharks” on the hit show Shark Tank, her story is one of resilience, innovation, and unwavering determination.

Barbara Corcoran’s Inspiring Journey and Wisdom

Barbara Corcoran’s experiences and wisdom resonate with individuals from all walks of life, from those facing financial struggles to entrepreneurs navigating the complexities of leadership and even those who’ve had their fair share of setbacks.

In this article, we delve into the insights and inspiration that can be gleaned from her interview with Steven Bartlett.

Join us as we explore the invaluable lessons she has to offer and discover how her journey can light the path to success in your endeavours.

How Barbara Corcoran’s Childhood Shaped her Success

Growing up in a big family, Barbara Corcoran learned competition and teamwork early.

In their small house with nine siblings, she had to compete for her parents’ attention. This taught her to always strive to do better.

She also mastered teamwork because she was never alone. This skill became her strength in her career, where she excelled in building effective teams.

Barbara’s talent for understanding people also came from her crowded home. She could read personalities, leadership dynamics, and get along with anyone. This skill proved invaluable in forming strong teams and making important decisions.

Her journey shows that our early experiences can shape us for success, teaching us that competition and cooperation can go hand in hand on the path to achievement.

How Barbara Corcoran’s Mother and Father Shaped Her Work Ethic

Barbara’s parents played pivotal roles in molding her work ethic. Her mother, a relentless worker, became a beacon of dedication and hard work, setting a powerful example for Barbara.

Meanwhile, her father’s struggle with conventional employment, often quitting his jobs, planted the seed of self-reliance in Barbara’s mind. It drove her to aspire to work for herself and be her boss, a path she wholeheartedly embraced.

Yet, it wasn’t just the contrasting work ethics of her parents that shaped Barbara’s journey. Her father’s occasional drinking introduced her to the value of control and assertiveness, as it occasionally led to tense family situations. This instilled in her a resolute desire for control and a fierce determination to prove others wrong, qualities that would become pillars of strength in her professional life.

Barbara’s story is a testament to the fact that even amidst challenging family dynamics and personal struggles, we can emerge as resilient and determined individuals.

Her remarkable ability to transform these experiences into strengths and her unwavering drive to succeed serve as a profound inspiration for all of us. Her life underscores the idea that it’s not where we come from, but how we leverage our experiences to shape our future, that truly matters.

The Money Wisdom: Money not a yardstick for success

Money is not a yardstick for success

Barbara Corcoran’s take on money offers a refreshing and vital lesson for us all. Despite her modest upbringing, the wisdom of her parents, especially her mother, left an enduring imprint on her attitude toward finances.

In the face of financial challenges, Barbara’s mother never allowed money to be a source of worry. She firmly believed that fretting over finances was a “waste of time.” This mindset instilled in Barbara the art of focusing on solutions and resourcefulness rather than being consumed by monetary concerns

What makes this perspective truly remarkable is that, in Barbara’s family, money was not a yardstick for success or happiness. Her parents never passed judgment based on wealth and never engaged in comparisons of who had more or less.

Instead, they emphasized the virtues of kindness and the significance of aiding others.

Barbara and her siblings were raised with the belief that true wealth isn’t about having more money but rather about being kind and offering help, which brings profound satisfaction and happiness.

Barbara’s story serves as a poignant reminder that, while financial stability is important, our outlook on money and wealth can significantly impact our overall well-being.

Her mother’s wisdom underscores the counterproductivity of worrying about money and highlights that genuine success and happiness are found in our capacity to be kind and make a positive impact in the lives of others.

Money is just a tool; it’s how we utilize it to better the lives of those around us that truly defines our worth.

Struggles to Strength: Barbara Corcoran’s Dyslexia Journey

Barbara Corcoran’s journey through school as a dyslexic student offers a profound lesson in overcoming challenges and transforming insecurities into strengths. Her struggles with reading and writing during her school years took a toll on her self-esteem, as she found herself equating her worth with her academic grades, a common struggle many students face.

Her story sheds light on how traditional school systems often prioritize academic performance over other forms of intelligence, which can erode a student’s self-worth.

Remarkably, Barbara Corcoran did not face bullying from her peers. She was known as a quiet and kind student, but her dyslexia hindered her from speaking up with confidence.

However, a pivotal moment occurred when a teacher delivered a harsh message, telling her that if she didn’t learn to read, she’d always be “stupid.” This stinging label left a deep imprint on her and further deterred her from actively participating in class.

Barbara, however, refused to let her learning difficulties define her life. While she may have been a “show” in school due to her dyslexia, the humiliation she experienced when called upon to read out loud left scars but also ignited a powerful motivation within her to prove herself in other ways.

Her journey underscores the resilience and determination that can emerge from such challenges, inspiring all of us to see beyond our limitations and turn our insecurities into sources of strength.

Living with Purpose

Barbara Corcoran’s relentless drive to make a difference in the world reflects her unwavering determination to lead a purposeful life. She finds relaxation challenging and is motivated by her desire to leave a lasting impact and not waste any moment. She believes in the value of making a positive legacy and demonstrating the significance of her existence.

Her story inspires us to live with purpose and prioritize making a meaningful contribution.

Barbara Corcoran’s Career Lessons

Barbara Corcoran’s approach to jobs is a testament to her determination and open-mindedness. She saw every job as an opportunity to learn and develop valuable skills, not judging them by their pay. This perspective greatly enriched her as an individual, laying the foundation for her future success.

Her time as a waitress, for instance, taught her essential skills in people management, efficiency, and problem-solving. Waiting tables required her to interact with diverse customers, meet their needs, and ensure their satisfaction.

This experience also honed her upselling abilities, multitasking, and organizational skills. These competencies were pivotal in her later career, as she became adept at motivating and managing people, vital for any business.

By embracing diverse job experiences, Barbara was able to understand her strengths and weaknesses. She discovered her prowess in working with people, bringing smiles, and delivering efficiency.

These two qualities, people skills and efficiency, became key contributors to her success. She recognized their value in business, where she could lead and inspire teams and create efficient systems to drive her companies forward.

Barbara’s story underscores the importance of not dismissing any job as too small or insignificant. Every experience holds lessons that can contribute to personal and professional growth.

In the world of work, the skills acquired, the confidence gained, and the lessons learned are often more valuable than the job’s title or prestige. Each experience serves as a building block on the path to success, and being open to learning from all jobs can be a potent asset.

Strength & Weakness

Barbara Corcoran definition of Team Work
Team work is complementing each other

Barbara Corcoran’s perspective on strengths and weaknesses illuminates the vital qualities underpinning success in business, giving prominence to people skills over numerical proficiency.

Acknowledging her own weaknesses, Barbara openly admits her struggles with math and her aversion to lengthy meetings.

However, she underscores that these limitations did not impede her success, as she deliberately surrounded herself with individuals who compensated for her shortcomings.

In her business ventures, she collaborated with partners and team members who excelled in areas where she struggled. This collaborative approach enabled her to thrive despite her weaknesses.

What’s particularly empowering about Barbara’s perspective is her belief that numerical proficiency is not the paramount factor for success in business. Instead, she places great value on the capacity to connect with people, nurture relationships, and maintain unwavering ambition in pursuit of goals.

This insight provides encouragement to aspiring entrepreneurs and business professionals, emphasizing that their passion and ability to work effectively with others are pivotal factors that can lead to success.

In the world of business, it’s not about knowing everything; it’s about assembling the right team of individuals who complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses, thereby creating a foundation for success.

Barbara Corcoran started her business with $1000

Barbara Corcoran’s foray into real estate entrepreneurship commenced with a borrowed $1,000 from her boyfriend, Ramon Simone. What’s intriguing is that she didn’t even request the money; he recognized her potential and believed in her ability to excel in real estate sales.

At the age of 23, Barbara embarked on her entrepreneurial journey, driven by fearlessness and a sense of having nothing to lose. She didn’t allow the paralyzing fear of failure to deter her, and she was willing to give it a shot, knowing she could return to her previous jobs if it didn’t pan out.

What Barbara didn’t anticipate was her profound love for being her own boss. The newfound sense of empowerment and independence that came with making her own decisions and charting her own path was a revelation.

This newfound freedom became a driving force in her career, and her passion for the real estate business blossomed as she relished the role of being in charge.

Barbara Corcoran’s story stands as an inspirational example of how belief in one’s potential, combined with the courage to take a chance, can lead to a successful entrepreneurial journey.

It underscores the transformative power of discovering one’s true calling and the liberation it brings. Her journey illustrates that sometimes, the most significant changes in our lives can stem from unexpected, life-altering moments that open up new horizons.

Barbara Corocran’s Real Estate Journey

Barbara Corcoran’s journey to building the biggest residential real estate firm in New York was a remarkable feat, especially in an industry dominated by the old boys’ network. Her success can be attributed to several key factors:

Innovative Approach

Barbara recognized that the established players in the industry were complacent, following the same old practices. She saw an opportunity to bring innovation to the real estate market by doing things differently. Her openness to new ideas and willingness to take calculated risks set her apart.

Youthful Energy

Barbara’s age worked to her advantage. She was young, hungry, and eager to prove herself. In contrast to the older, more established competitors, she had the drive to disrupt the market and build something new.


Unlike the established players, Barbara was nimble and adaptive. She was quick to implement changes and embrace new strategies. This flexibility allowed her to respond rapidly to market shifts and stay ahead of the competition.


Being an independent, self-made entrepreneur gave Barbara the freedom to make decisions swiftly. She didn’t have to go through committees or adhere to old traditions, allowing her to act on her instincts and instincts alone.


Barbara was willing to take risks and invest in her business, even in uncertain times. Her competitors, often led by older generations, were more risk-averse, which limited their ability to seize opportunities.


Barbara’s business approach was different from that of her competitors. She was open to hiring a diverse team, including people who didn’t fit the typical mould of a privileged white employee. This approach allowed her to tap into a broader range of talents and perspectives.


Her ability to act swiftly and execute ideas was a significant asset. While her competitors were bogged down by bureaucratic processes and red tape, she could put her ideas into action without hesitation.

Barbara Corcoran’s success was a result of her fresh, innovative approach, her ability to adapt to a changing market, and her fearless attitude in taking on established giants in the industry.

Barbara Corcorans Emphasis on Company Culture

Compliment each other
Acknowledge the good things employees do

Barbara Corcoran’s emphasis on company culture and the philosophy that fun should be a top priority played a pivotal role in her business success.

Here’s what she meant by creating a vibrant company culture and how she went about it:

Prioritizing Fun

Barbara believes that creating a fun and enjoyable work environment is crucial. Fun brings people together, fosters creativity, and helps break down barriers among employees. It’s not about mundane, obligatory parties, but rather creating opportunities for genuine, enjoyable interactions.

Laughter and Camaraderie

When people have fun together, they laugh and bond. Barbara encouraged her employees to enjoy light-hearted moments and laugh together. She organized creative and sometimes wacky events, like dressing up in different themes or cross-dressing, to create memorable experiences that brought her team closer.


Barbara didn’t confine fun to scheduled events. She encouraged spontaneity and would surprise her employees with unconventional outings, like impromptu underwear shopping trips or other adventures. These unusual activities created a sense of excitement and adventure in the workplace.

Unique Company Traditions

Barbara established unique traditions and experiences that set her company apart from others. For example, having a party where everyone dressed as nuns or organizing picnics and other creative gatherings. These traditions made her company an exciting and engaging place to work.

Recruitment Through Reputation

Over time, the company’s reputation for its imaginative and fun culture became a powerful recruitment tool. The stories of the entertaining events and the enjoyable workplace spread through her employees. This word-of-mouth marketing not only retained existing employees but also attracted new talent.

Low Turnover

By creating a culture where fun and camaraderie thrived, Barbara managed to maintain an extremely low turnover rate, a rare feat in an industry known for high employee turnover.

Her staff enjoyed their work so much that they had little reason to leave for other firms.

Barbara Corcoran’s approach to company culture emphasized that fostering a lively, enjoyable atmosphere could significantly contribute to employee retention, creativity, and overall success in business.

Turning Heartbreak into Triumph

Five years into her real estate venture, Barbara Corcoran faced a shocking betrayal. Her boyfriend and 51% business partner, Ramon Simone, ran off with her assistant, who was ten years younger and, by Barbara’s admission, “much prettier.”

At the time, this was a devastating blow to Barbara. Her ego was bruised, and she despised the situation she found herself in. The man she trusted had not only broken her heart but had also taken her business partner away from her.

The pain and shock of this betrayal were hard to bear, but Barbara’s resilient spirit prevailed. She chose not to succumb to despair or self-pity. Instead, she harnessed her anger and frustration as a driving force.

She decided that this heartbreak would not define her, and she would prove her worth without her former partner. Her determination led her to take a bold step – leaving behind the old company and founding her own venture, the “Corcoran Group.”

The company she had worked so hard to build was split in half, with seven employees following her to the new venture.

Barbara Corcoran’s Boy Friends Parting Words

Ramon Simone’s parting words were cruel; he confidently claimed that Barbara would never succeed without him. Initially, these words fueled her anger and hatred towards him. She left, seething with resentment.

However, with time, Barbara’s perspective underwent a transformation. She began to see his hurtful words as a gift rather than an insult. She realized that insults and challenges can serve as potent motivators, sparking a fire within us, driving us to prove our worth and conquer the odds.

Barbara Corcoran’s journey is a testament to the remarkable power of resilience and determination. Her ability to turn heartbreak and betrayal into opportunities for personal and professional growth is profoundly inspiring. She not only succeeded but thrived, ultimately becoming a renowned figure in the real estate world.

Barbara’s story imparts a valuable lesson: adversity can be the catalyst for transformation and triumph. It serves as a reminder that challenges and insults are not roadblocks but stepping stones on the path to success.

Challenges in the male-dominated industry

During her conversation with Steven Bartlett about the challenges she faced in a male-dominated real estate industry, Barbara Corcoran shared her perspective.

She noted that, initially, she wasn’t taken seriously in the industry because she was a woman, which made her feel invisible to her male counterparts.

However, she chose to view this as an advantage rather than a disadvantage. Barbara believed that when people underestimate you, it can be a powerful opportunity to prove them wrong.

As the discussion touched on the term “manipulate,” Barbara clarified her perspective. She emphasized that she didn’t see it as manipulation in a negative sense but rather as leveraging opportunities.

Barbara Corcoran explained how she used her charm and charisma to compete with male developers who initially dismissed her. She effectively used her femininity to capture their attention, and this approach proved successful in her career.

Working for Employees

Barbara Corcoran about Employees
Job of a Boss is to make employees life easy

When asked about her employees and what they think of her, Barbara believes that her team loves working with her. She emphasizes that she sees herself as working for her employees, not the other way around.

This approach to leadership has made her a great boss in the eyes of her team. She believes that her job as a boss is to make her employees’ lives easier and better, and in return, they carry her along as they grow and succeed.

Barbara’s story highlights the importance of using disadvantages as opportunities, the power of a positive and supportive work environment, and the idea that great leaders work for the benefit of their team.

Leadership and Team Management

Steven Bartlett and Barbara Corcoran discuss leadership and team management. Steven brings up the idea that leadership isn’t about being consistent with every team member because different people require different types of treatment to get the best out of them.

Barbara Corcoran agrees and explains that she had a unique approach for each person she worked with. She would assess each individual to determine what motivated and pushed them forward, understanding what would build their confidence and help them succeed.

She emphasized the importance of treating people as individuals and catering to their specific needs, highlighting that today’s workers value individualized attention and want their interests met.

When asked about the characteristics that would lead to someone being fired the quickest while working for her, Barbara mentions that a negative attitude is a significant red flag.

Friday Firings

Barbara Concoran shares her preference for firing people on Fridays, often without providing a specific reason to avoid negative individuals spreading their negativity. Barbara is particularly concerned about chronic complainers and those who are negative, as they can negatively influence the rest of the team.

She made it clear that she didn’t tolerate negative people and would remove them from her team quickly, often without engaging in lengthy explanations.

The conversation demonstrates the importance of tailoring leadership and management styles to individual team members, focusing on their specific needs, and addressing negativity promptly to maintain a positive and productive work environment.

Complainers are thieves in the night

Steven Bartlett and Barbara Corcoran delve into the detrimental impact of complainers and negative individuals in the workplace.

Barbara, in particular, holds a strong aversion to complainers, referring to them as “thieves” for stealing both money and energy. She views energy as the most valuable asset one possesses, and negative individuals can deplete this precious resource.

When surrounded by positivity, one feels continually enriched with energy and motivation. In contrast, complainers and negative people drain this energy, leading Barbara to describe them as “thieves in the night.”

Steven shares his own experience dealing with a negative individual in his first business who caused a significant portion of the problems. Initially, he hesitated to remove this person, primarily out of concerns regarding the potential impact on the company’s culture and the fear that negativity would spread further if the individual were fired.

Barbara attributes this hesitation to naivety, firmly believing that removing a complainer is the best course of action. She also advises against providing specific reasons for firing such individuals, as they can engage in further negativity, attempting to win a losing game.

Barbara Corcoran further emphasizes her experience with a negative employee whom she tried to transform but eventually realized that her positive attitude couldn’t change someone who had been negative throughout their life.

The valuable lesson she learned from this experience was the importance of recognizing when someone cannot be changed and the necessity of promptly removing negative influences.

Compliments and Recognition in the Workplace

Steven Bartlett and Barbara Corcoran discuss the importance of genuine compliments and recognition in the workplace.

Barbara emphasizes the value of authentic compliments, pointing out that empty compliments and grandstanding are not effective. She believes that people can see through insincere compliments and suggests that it’s essential to give specific compliments that are backed up with details.

Compliments with specific praise, explaining why something was so smart or beneficial, can boost someone’s confidence and motivation. For her, the right kind of compliments is those that acknowledge specific achievements and contributions.

Barbara also mentions the importance of creating a habit as a manager or business owner to actively look for and acknowledge the good things employees do.

She would walk through her workplace looking for positive things to compliment, and she’d keep an eye out for anything noteworthy that someone had achieved. She believes that giving genuine compliments individually or in front of a group can be powerful, depending on the nature of the person, whether they are more private or competitive.

Identifying a Unique Talent

Furthermore, Barbara shares a specific example of how she identified a unique talent in one of her employees.

She noticed that Anita was exceptionally good at dressing and creating beautiful displays on her desk. Based on this observation, Barbara offered her a new role as an advertising manager, which turned out to be a brilliant decision.

Barbara believes in recognizing people’s talents and helping them flourish by finding opportunities that align with their skills and gifts. She emphasizes the importance of trust and seeing potential in people, which can motivate them to achieve more than they might initially believe they are capable of.

Significance of Eye Contact

Steven Bartlett and Barbara Corcoran discuss the significance of eye contact and its role in hiring, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Barbara highlights the importance of making good eye contact when interacting with someone. She believes that making eye contact is a sign of trust and honesty, and people may be perceived as insecure or dishonest if they avoid eye contact.

She suggests that it’s challenging to trust individuals who don’t make eye contact, and it’s something she values when evaluating people.

Steven Bartlett mentions that he read about Barbara’s hiring approach during the pandemic, where she excluded individuals who didn’t make eye contact with the camera during virtual interviews.

Barbara confirms this and further mentions that she also excluded people with poor lighting during their video interviews. She did this because she believed that it showed a lack of aggressiveness and self-care on the part of the candidates. Barbara explains that when applying for a competitive job, she expects candidates to present their best selves.

In her view, if someone shows up with bad lighting and doesn’t make good eye contact, it’s a negative indicator.

Barbara Corcoran acknowledges the challenges of hiring people through online interviews but expresses her belief that she couldn’t do a thorough job without meeting candidates in person.

She emphasizes the importance of in-person interviews for a more comprehensive evaluation of potential hires.

Investments Advice from Barbara Corcoran

In their discussion about investing and decision-making, particularly on the TV show “Shark Tank,” Barbara Corcoran shares valuable advice for success as an investor.

She reflects on her experience and advises caution to Steven Bartlett, emphasizing that she made the mistake of hastily investing in many opportunities during her early seasons on the show. She suggests keeping one’s money in their pocket for a while and not rushing into investments.

Barbara underscores the importance of selecting the entrepreneur over the business idea. She reveals that, at times, she didn’t fully grasp the presented business plans on the show but learned that the qualities of the entrepreneur matter most.

She looks for traits like trustworthiness, resilience, ambition, and drive, considering passion overrated while valuing commitment and ambition more.

Barbara Corcoran is biased towards poor

When asked about her perception of entrepreneurs from different backgrounds, Barbara Corcoran acknowledges her bias. She confesses a preference for individuals from challenging backgrounds, such as those who grew up poor or without a father.

She is more inclined to invest in their businesses because they often have something to prove, a greater need, and a stronger desire to succeed.

Conversely, Barbara is less inclined to invest in businesses owned by wealthy individuals, believing that they lack the same drive and determination.

Barbara expresses her preference for entrepreneurs who have a strong desire to improve their lives and are willing to work hard for their success.

She explains that rich kids may not spend their money wisely and have a more comfortable financial cushion to fall back on, while individuals from less privileged backgrounds tend to make every penny count.

Barbara expresses her preference for entrepreneurs who have a strong desire to improve their lives and are willing to work hard for their success.

She concludes by sharing that most of her successful investments have been in entrepreneurs from challenging backgrounds.

The Hallway of Doom

Barbara believes that it’s sometimes harder to raise an affluent child with strong values and a strong work ethic than it is to raise a child from a challenging background.

She explains that affluent children may have different value systems, different role models, and may not feel the same need to work hard or to persevere through difficulties.

Barbara also mentions the “Hallway of Doom,” a reference to a hallway in her office where she displays photos of the entrepreneurs who appeared on “Shark Tank.”

She explains that many entrepreneurs initially feel like they are on a high when their businesses start gaining traction, but then they face challenges or setbacks a few months down the line.

The key, in her view, is how they respond to those challenges. She has photos of entrepreneurs who remain committed and determined, with their pictures right side up, and others who become victims and blame external factors, with their pictures turned upside down.

Barbara prefers to work with the entrepreneurs who take responsibility and find solutions when things go wrong.

She shares a story of investing in a business run by four women who faced significant setbacks and financial losses.

Instead of giving up or blaming others, these women took responsibility for their situation and worked hard to recover, ultimately achieving success.

Barbara admires and invests in entrepreneurs who don’t hesitate to get back on their feet and keep moving forward, no matter the challenges they face.

Discourage complaining & promote working together

Barbara Corcoran describes how her mother’s parenting style greatly influenced her and her siblings. She recalls that when they would go to their mother to complain about something one of their siblings had done, her mother’s response was to punish both of them, regardless of who was at fault.

This approach discouraged complaining and taught them that there was no use in complaining because it would lead to punishment for everyone involved.

She also shares a story from her business experience where she had two department heads who had conflicts and came to her with complaints about each other. Instead of taking sides or trying to mediate their issues, she mimicked her mother’s approach by telling them to figure it out or both of them would be fired.

This decision forced them to work together and find a solution to their problems, and they never came to her with complaints again.

The lesson from her mother’s parenting and her own management style in business is to discourage complaining and promote finding solutions and working together. Barbara believes that a culture of complaining can be counterproductive in both family life and business, and it’s better to foster a problem-solving and cooperative environment.

Balancing Earnings and Egos: Barbara Corcoran’s Marriage Anecdotes

Barbara Corcoran discusses her marriage with Bill, shedding light on the complexities that can arise when one partner starts significantly outearning the other.

In her characteristic humor, she refers to her friends playfully calling Bill “poor Bill” because he’s married to her. She shares that Bill, her husband, is often seen as the nice one in their relationship, while she’s known to be the more challenging or difficult one.

However, it’s evident that they have a loving and playful dynamic.

Barbara Corcoran recalls the transition in their relationship when she began to earn more than Bill. At the start of their relationship, they both earned similar amounts and could comfortably pay their rent.

However, as Barbara’s real estate business grew, she started to outearn Bill significantly. This shift in financial dynamics created ego challenges for both of them.

Bill, who had previously held prestigious positions such as an FBI agent and Navy Captain, found himself in a different light, primarily known as “Bill, married to Barbara.” This change had an impact on his sense of identity and possibly their relationship dynamics.

Barbara candidly admits to having her own issues with outearning her husband. She shares that outearning Bill made her feel less feminine, as societal values often equate income with one’s identity and self-worth.

Despite these challenges, Bill remained supportive and had a different perspective on money. He didn’t place a high value on it, which contributed to their enduring relationship.

Learnings from Failure

What is success?
Success is ability to bounce back from failures

Barbara emphasizes the importance of getting back up after a failure. She believes that it’s crucial to cultivate the habit of resilience and not be disheartened by setbacks. This ability to bounce back from failures and keep moving forward is a key factor in achieving success.

This article was inspired by Steven Bartlett’s enlightening interview with Barbara Corcoran.

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